Acton-Boxboro Twin Elementary Schools
the project:
New Twin Elementary School
Acton, Massachusetts
With two aging elementary schools requiring simultaneous renovation, the Town of Acton sought cost effective strategies
that would minimize disruption to the educational system. The proposal for a new “twin” school sharing cafetorium, library
and gymnasium utilized existing school campus land, minimized cost, solved phasing and disruption concerns and required
no programmatic compromises.
Classrooms and administrative functions are clustered around the shared functions for a compact footprint, and the school is divided into 2 wings expressive of the 2 schools within. Cognizant of the
relationship between daylight and school performance, every space in the building receives natural daylight. The result is in an uncommonly bright environment.
Voter approval was immediate, the $15M, 150,000gsf facility was constructed in 20 months, and the building opened in 2000.
Project Manager: Roel Krabbendam
Interior Designer: Polly Dithmer
Office of Record: The Office of Michael Rosenfeld, Inc.