alternative learning environments: kiosks
Steelcase Creativity Lab: Informal Brainstorming and Problem Solving Environment
We design modern workplaces to encourage random encounters and ad hoc creativity, but we don't encourage that behavior in our schools. We should. We teach the basics of our traditional subjects, but rarely engage in relevant, cutting edge problem solving. We should. We say we want cross-disciplinary cooperation, but don't say how or where that should happen. We should. The public kiosk is a venue suited to all these goals. Imagine it near or in the lunchroom or student union or store or teacher's and students lounge. It requires monitoring and instigation and participation from a significant cross-section of the school, but it offers the opportunity to pose and consider modern problems in modern ways. Sometimes its just a whiteboard on the outside of a conference room, instead of the inside.
Neustar Headquarters, Washington DC designed by Roel Krabbendam, imagine RED