alternative learning environments: the big map / by roel krabbendam

alternative learning environments: the big map

Maps communicate powerful messages about the world, but too often they are small and serve to distance us from the world rather than bring us closer.  A change in scale, and the opportunity to walk on the earth it portrays instead of facing the image on a wall creates a far more visceral interaction with the material.  We are extremely conscious of the many different projections available, and rather partial to the Peters projection over the venerable Mercator, but don't feel the details should obscure the opportunity.  A large map of any projection offers a chance to demonstrate all kinds of information about different countries comparatively, stacking coins for example to demonstrate relative GDP or average income, or having students plan and execute virtual trips, or letting them study and talk about the countries they come from or visit.  Too often, we encounter people with no clue about the world beyond the United States: the big map is a visceral way to connect them with the rest of the world.