fun facts: visual communication / by roel krabbendam

fun facts: visual communication

Some facts from a study quantifying the impact of the internet on how we communicate:

eye-hero mod.jpg

Attention Span,  Statistics and Data
The average attention span in 2000: 12 seconds
The average attention span in 2013:   8 seconds
The average attention span of a gold fish: 9 seconds

(Our average attention span is less than a goldfish?!?)

Percent of teens who forget major details of close friends and relatives: 25 %
Percent of people who forget their own birthdays from time to time: 7 %

Average number of times per hour an office worker checks their email inbox: 30
Average length watched of a single internet video: 2.7 minutes

Internet Browsing Statistics (Taken from 59,573 page views) 

Percent of page views that last less than 4 seconds: 17 %
Percent of page views that lasted more than 10 minutes: 4 %
Percent of words read on web pages with 111 words or less: 49 %
Percent of words read on an average (593 words) web page: 28 %
Users spend only 4.4 seconds more for each additional 100 words 

Source: Harald Weinreich, Hartmut Obendorf, Eelco Herder, and Matthias Mayer: “Not Quite the Average: An Empirical Study of Web Use,” in the ACM Transactions on the Web, vol. 2, no. 1 (February 2008), article #5.

Communication is inevitably, increasingly becoming more visual in nature, and attention spans are decreasing.  

We don't foresee the end of western civilization, yet, but life as we know it is certainly changing. If people and organizations are going to effectively communicate their perspective today, then they will increasingly be doing so visually, not verbally or with the written word.  Our contribution: deep understanding of our clients through challenging interviews, and the design skills to create meaningful, empowering imagery that speaks for them.

If you are considering a website or printed collateral, make them effective vehicles for your message.  Have a look at our portfolio or give us a call to investigate the power of our approach.  Find your Visual Voice.