tools: color / by roel krabbendam

tools: color

There is so much emotion and meaning invested in color and it is unquestionably a powerful component of brand identity.  As our case histories show, we often select color based on associations, not specifically on potential "meanings", yet those meanings are something to consider nonetheless and keep in mind in a selection.  The global color survey takes a stab at identifying those meanings, asking you for your color associations before showing you the results of their continuing inquiry (cut and paste into your browser to pay a visit):


With only 20 or so colors and associations, the approach might be a bit reductionist, but on the possibly complex road to a color selection, not a bad place to start.

Another place to find meanings associated with color: Art Therapy

Neat word clouds with footnotes for divergent international meanings distinguish this website.


The Visual Voice approach relies as much on association as on emotion.  We ask for colors and images that speak to our clients to start, independent of context, but then rely on our own associations and creative thinking to generate options.  Sometimes an image or photograph will speak to us, and color becomes a byproduct of that selection rather than a focus in itself.

We always discuss both meaning and association in helping our clients choose among the options we present, but ultimately, here's what counts: is the brand identity appropriate, is it meaningful, is it visceral and evocative, and does the client feel empowered by it?